I visited RUBEN's blog tonite and he has a new test...... It's a simple but very honest test which will tell you, and of course your readers exactly how exciting your life really is!
Check it out.....
My life is rated NC-17.
I write about life, love and loss. I write about fear and anger. I write against hypocricy, bigotry, discrimination and intolerance. My blogmasters include an eclectic mix of sometimes brilliant, sometimes witty, always interesting men and women of all ages, races and sexual orientations. I wouldn't live my life any other way!
Big Shocker!
I'm NC-17 too!
Now I must go do something naughty.
I know! I'll smoke a cigarette in the garage!
I'm a Wild Child.
What happened to X?
Hmmm....I got a NC-17. Is that bad? Good? LOL!
NC-17. Not surprised at all. I likes me drunk anonymous sexcapades with the blinds open.
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