The new DVD player is in full operation (thanks MOM and DAD) and I've already watched the three Harry Potter movies and the PUGS have watched POLAR EXPRESS. Not certain if they enjoyed it, the were fast asleep when I went into the bedroom to check up on them during my evening of entertaining on Christmas Eve.
Christmas morning was spent telephoning my parents in Canada (eight inches of snow) followed by a buffet dinner at my sister's house. I loved being surrounded by my sister, brother-in law, nephew and his fiancee, the two pekes and two cats; followed by another call to my parents.
I finally stopped by the Pro Shop Pub in the early evening to meet friends for a few drinks but only stayed an hour during which I had already consumed three Gin and Tonics. The drinks were going down much too easily and since I was wearing the crown jewels, I decided it was time to head home with promises to be alive, well and ready to bring in the New Year with friends.
After feeding and walking the dogs, we settled down to watch the POLAR EXPRESS again (the dogs, having already (slept thru it) watched it Christmas eve, slept on my lap throughout). Wonderful animation and yes I do believe in Santa Claus again!
This week, I intend to REST!
Sounds like you had the perfect mix of family, pets, friends, and refreshments.
Enjoy your week of rest and Happy New Year, Don! xoxo
And a lovely time was had by all!
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