I made this thing up last nite, and no I wasn't on "medication!" Just time for a bit of a change......... hope you're not blinded! I'm using the same old template, just changing the pictures and colors around.
I had mixed emotions about posting the following cartoon. When I first saw it, I found it terribly disturbing and offensive to those who have died during this non-war in Iraq.
After a great deal of consideration, I chose to include it in this post, because this is reality......... the reality that this war has killed over two thousand American troops and injured over fifteen thousand others.

"On a trip designed as diplomatic flattery, Rice managed to make some unwanted headlines with an admission at a foreign policy forum Friday that the United States had made "thousands" of tactical errors in Iraq.
The offhand comment sent her spokesman scrambling to call reporters with assurances she was just speaking figuratively. Too late: the remark made the lead of all three international wire services and the front page of the Washington Post.
Rice went into damage control mode on Saturday, telling the BBC: "Of course there have been mistakes, but it was not a mistake to overthrow Saddam Hussein. It was not a mistake to unleash the forces of democracy in the Middle East."
BLACKBURN, England (AFP) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was to head back from her trip to northwest England after a visit which shaped up as a public relations nightmare.
Anti- Iraq protests again dogged Rice and her host, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, throughout her two-day trip to his constituency of Blackburn, a dreary former mill town of 100,000 people best known as a footnote in a Beatles song.
Some 200 demonstrators posting banners proclaiming "War on terror, war on Islam" and "Bring the troops home" greeted the two as they arrived at the town hall Saturday to meet with local Muslim leaders.
At a joint news conference, Rice reacted to a statement by her host that the Guantanamo detention centre was "an anomaly," by saying the US would close the facility the day it was no longer needed.
"The United States does not desire to keep Guantanamo in being any longer than it is needed," she said.
"We don't want to be the world's jailer," she said. "That's not the United States, (or) the purpose of US policy."
Rice came to Lancashire on what was supposed to be a feel-good visit to Straw's constituency to repay his October trip to her home state of Alabama. But the journey was plagued by problems from the start.
Hopes of meeting former Beatle Paul McCartney fell through, a mosque withdrew its invitation and a local luminary lined up to host a concert in nearby Liverpool pulled out as a political statement.
She visited a school in this community that is 25 percent Muslim, but many of the children were kept home for the day by protesting parents. Others cut classes to join the protests.
The new look is very 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'. Now I know how you spent the 'baby boom' before I even arrived!
Three of those "mistakes" were my friends. Men I have shared meals with, joked with, laughed with, talked with and will never, ever get the opportunity to do so again. All three of them died after the "mission was accomplished" and one of them died because our government was arrogant enough to tell him he was safe somewhere he wasn't so he let his guard down. Trust me ~ it isn't the cartoon, nor your posting it, that is offensive.
taking a moment to remember all the "mistakes." may we learn from them.
i love what you've done with the place =)
on a more somber note, i'm glad you posted the cartoon...it really is more proof and justification on how absurd this whole entire "war" really is...
Love the new look.
The cartoon is so telling....Even when "mission was accomplished" I thought this was going to be generations Vietnam. Nothing has happened to change my mind. So, so sad.
I'm so jealous...I always get totally confused when I try and change my template. Looks great!
This cartoon speaks volumes.
Wow, is that bright! Cute, though. I like bright colors.
I think the cartoon just says it all, frankly.
And Pobble, I'm so sorry. *hug*
Love the new page design and the new pug photo id is fabulous!
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