On July 9, 2006 I joined my family in Las Vegas to celebrate the wedding of my only nephew and godson, Marc and his beautiful bride Kim. Life was grand~
On August 9, 2006 one month later my mother has been in the Intensive Care Unit of a New Brunswick, Canada hospital since August 3rd.
It's been a nightmare from HELL! <

My mother entered the hospital to undergo a seemingly uncomplicated hip replacement surgery. The surgery in itself was successful but there were "complications".
Complications is an understatement. I telephoned the hospital after the surgery to be told that my mother was in the intensive care unit on a ventilator and being examined by a kidney specialist. Ventilator, kidney specialist; what the fuck?
I telephoned my dad who had just spent the entire day at the hospital. He was physically and emotionally exhausted. I asked if he felt that my sister and I should fly to Canada; if for no other reason but to offer emotional support to both him and my mother but he said no, wait a few days to see what develops.
After a sleepless night, I telephoned my sister who decided that one of us should be there and stated that she would fly out the following day. It would be easier if she went first and I would follow either on an emergency basis or to take turns staying with my father.
My parents live in a small village in northern Canada approximately 2600 miles from Florida. One flight per day, two connections, 11:30 hours total flying time, six days per week.
On Saturday, I telephoned and was able to speak with my mother. She sounded very weak but hopeful.
My sister telephoned daily with updates and I telephoned daily to speak with my mothers' doctors.
Last Monday I telephoned and my mother who was in much better spirits was able to tell me she had received 4 pints of blood. Blood transfusions (she has now had a total of 7 pints), what the fuck? Another telephone call to her physician. My mothers' blood was too thin, platelet count low, whatever.On Thursday, I telephoned the hospital and asked to speak to my mother. Sorry, she is unavailable having been taken for chest x-rays. CHEST X-RAYS? Possible pneumonia.
Last evening, I telephoned my dad. Things are slowly returning to some semblance of normalcy. My mother is off the ventilator, no more blood transfusions, some fluid on the lungs but not pneumonia. There is a possibility that after 10 days, she will be transferred out of ICU early next week.
Tonite, I telephoned my dad. My mother is back on the ventilator, but in better spirits. She finally ate for the first time yesterday and again tonite.
My sister will remain in Canada until the 21st of August after which I will fly up and remain until we're certain life has somewhat stablized.
My mother and father are both 82 years old but to my sister and I, age is not a factor. We are not at this time and will probably never be comfortable with letting go.
I ask that you keep us in your thoughts and I thank you.