
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Let it snow.....

This morning, I took a walk into town to purchase my Sunday papers and overheard a woman standing in front of me telling the person in front of her how she misses the cold weather and snow and can't wait to move back to Buffalo.

I'm not certain how anyone can actually miss snow. I'm not certain why anyone would want to move to Buffalo. I remember cold weather, snow and Buffalo. I remember the freezing cold and the pain of frost bite on my fingers. I will never forget the freezing cold in Buffalo because according to my doctors, that frost bite is what initially caused the lifelong painful arthritis I now have in both hands.

I don't miss the snow and ice in Boston. I remember the fear of falling on the sheets of ice covering the sidewalks of Tremont Street as my friends and I were going to the theater to see the Nutcracker Ballet.

I don't miss the snow in Canada. I remember hosting my parents 50th wedding anniversary several years ago. I remember fearing that cars would go off the country roads on their way to and from the reception. I remember having to scrape the ice of the windshield of my car. I remember the cold sore I developed on my upper lip two days before the reception. I remember shaving it off just prior to the reception because it was just too ugly.

It was November and I stopped in Boston to visit friends on my way back to Florida. We were in a local pub when my friend Jimmy announced, "hey Don, it's snowing outside". I went outside to see my first snow flake in more than 5 years. I rentered the pub and announced, "nice snow, glad I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Florida"!

Let it snow all you like..... just not in my backyard!

It's 82 degrees here today. Meet me on Clearwater Beach.....


Connie in FL said...

I couldn't agree more!!!

Having lived in Chicago, the Cleveland area, and North Central Missouri.... I am over snow, ice, owning a coat, scraping, shoveling, etc. Been there - done that.

Let Miss Buffalo go back to all that and leave one more parking space free here. She can have it!

Anonymous said...

Don, your blog is looking beautiful, but you have so many blogs I'm not sure which one to read, or I guess I could read all of them. I love the colours. I'm not a a fan of Barack, basically because of his stance on same-sex marriage. I realize he has to get the support of Middle America, but I just wish some American politician would be brave enough to stand up for what's fair, and not what would further their political career.

Anonymous said...

As I sit here in the hideous cold of Korean winter - I think I'd like to throttle that woman and pack her off to Buffalo in an ice box!