
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Hurricane Weekend~

"If the Lord hadn't intended to have a three Martini lunch, then why do you suppose He put all those olive trees in the Holy Land?"
--Former House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX)

Art by AXEL

"I love to drink Martinis, Two at the very most
Three I'm under the table, Four I'm under the host!"
--Dorothy Parker

We have once again been blessed. Hurricane Dennis will be travelling west of Tampa Bay which means we won't get a "hit"; but will experience the effects with tornadoes, rain bands, tropical storm force winds and coastal flooding. I'm on the coast but elevation is high in my area, so not much of a problem with flooding.

Bands of thunderstorms began around 2:00PM Saturday and continued throughout the evening, gradually intensifying but intermingled with short periods of calm (time to take the dogs out). This is a perfect day to hang out with the pugs and enjoy a Martini or two!

I spent the evening on-line socializing with friends and updating my blogs. There were several power surges, but they were short lived; I was able to get back on-line within five minutes each time.

Storms continued thru Sunday afternoon and ended at about 3:00 PM. Twenty five hours of stroms and minimal damage. Tampa Bay has been spare!

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