
Monday, July 25, 2005

On Being Famous....

This weekend was certainly an interesting one!

First, I shared two blogging awards with exceptional Master Bloggers, and then on Saturday nite...... I got "rear ended." (see the following two Blogs).

Now all of this would have been insignificant if I had won the Florida Lottery, but unfortunately that didn't happen......... so ya take what you can and enjoy!


Brettcajun said...

You almost got me in trouble yesterday! (LOL) On my "hour" lunchbreak, I was checking out your blog. For some unexplained reason, I must have did a keystroke that printed your entire blog. There were 28 pages of your blog and naughty pictures on our network printer! HA HA!!!! Fortunately (for me), the network printer is in my office... and I don't think anyone looked at it! I hope not! HA HA!

Anonymous said...

that's a great pic. But look at the cloud in the background. It looks like a pig, .... or is it just me?

dondon009 said...

Gee... hmmmmmm let me see now. A nice looking, well built naked male and my buddy Patrick is focusing on the clouds???? A pig?
Where the fuck do you see a PIG? Now, I'm gonna be staring at this damned pic until I see a pig! Sorry buddy, I've been too busy trying to find the dick behind the white light!