Take this test "if you dare"! Be even more daring and publish your results. I tried to be HONEST... maybe a little too honest? Below is my result.......
"Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Wrath is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that codemns you to hell."
Greed: | Medium | |
Gluttony: | High | |
Wrath: | Very High | |
Sloth: | High | |
Envy: | Medium | |
Lust: | Medium | |
Pride: | High |
Okay my friend ~ this test didn't ask the right questions. Here you go (and yes, I was honest; that's why I say it didn't ask the right questions!)
Greed-low (probably closer to medium)
Gluttony-low (HA!)
Wrath-very low (okay, yeah, maybe...)
Sloth-medium (HA!)
Envy-very low (probably true...)
Lust-very low (this one's so wrong I can't even laugh)
Pride-very low (ummm...Hel-lo????) So, if mine can be this off by how little I've "sinned," yours can be off by how much. ;)
I'll keep my scores to myself, thanks...
greed, gluttony, lust and pride -- medium
wrath and envy -- very low
sloth -- high
sounds about right for me...cool quiz, dondon
~ n
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Very Low
Sloth: Very High
Envy: Low
Lust: Very Low
Pride: Medium
If you need me, just wake me up from my nap...
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