Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I predicted that this would happen....... and it certainly didn't take long at all. Now I'm in one hell of a nasty fighting mood!
The "RELIGIOUS RIGHT" just had to get their two cents worth in and they moved fast! This is the kind of garbage that sets me off!
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
An evangelical Christian group that regularly demonstrates at LGBT events is blaming gays for hurricane Katrina.
Repent America says that God "destroyed" New Orleans because of Southern Decadence, the gay festival that was to have taken place in the city over the Labor Day weekend.
"Southern Decadence" has a history of filling the French Quarters section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the public streets and bars"
Repent America director Michael Marcavage said in a statement Wednesday.
"Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city." Marcavage said.
"From ‘Girls Gone Wild’ to ‘Southern Decadence’, New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. May it never be the same."
"Let us pray for those ravaged by this disaster. However, we must not forget that the citizens of New Orleans tolerated and welcomed the wickedness in their city for so long," Marcavage said.
"May this act of God cause us all to think about what we tolerate in our city limits, and bring us trembling before the throne of Almighty God," Marcavage concluded.
I wonder what reasons Marcavage will give for the devastation caused by Katrina in Mississippi and Alabama as well as the destruction and deaths in Florida?
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
A Sense of Loss.......
I find it very difficult to write tonite. I feel a great loss; the loss of a life that once was. I truly love New Orleans but today, I'm blessed. New Orleans to me was home of the heart.... a place where I could escape three or four times a year to enjoy a comfortable stay at my favorite Creole townhouse, eat the best foods on earth and socialize with some of the finest, kindest and friendliest people on the planet! I should not be sad..... I still have a cool, dry and comfortable residence, a job, family and friends here in Florida!
I am angry at the needless deaths ......... they were asked/told to evacuate, many refused!
Many refused, believing this was just another panic attack.... as even I tend to do when we get hurricane warnings here in Florida.
Many more, those who barely survive everyday life didn't want to leave the very little they owned. Others were too ill, too poor or just too tired to leave. How very sad!
Assistance will begin to arrive; homes will be rebuilt which will find jobs for many who could not for so many years find employment, financial assistance will become available. The rich will survive...... the poor must be given all assistance possible to rebuild and improve their lives.
My friends have survived with minimal loss. Thank you Lord!
Life will go on but it will never be as it once was.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Those of you who know me understand that New Orleans is my adopted home. I try to visit 4 or 5 times a year, each time leaving my heart and always looking forward to my next visit.
As Hurricane Katrina makes its way towards New Orleans, I am very concerned.
My prayers go out for the safety of all those living in New Orleans and the surrounding area.
I'm especially concerned for the safety of my blog mentor BRETTCAJUN, his puppies, family and friends as well as my extended family The Conti's and the staff of the "Villa Convento" and "623 Ursuline" the guesthouse where I've stayed every time I visit for the last 15 years!
My family has called with their concerns also.
March took me from the exhuberance of springtime in Florida on the 20th to the devastating news of the death of my foster son by automobile accident on the 21st. A part of me died with him that day.
April brought a bit of recovery/ My family, friends, co-workers and of course the PUGS made me realize life had to go on.......... and it did. I only posted twice but it was significant because I had finally ventured out again.
May brought promises. My friends convinced me to vacation in New Orleans during the month of June and it was decided that we would be there to celebrate my birthday.
June finally arrived and since New Orleans is my "adopted" home, I was reawakened first at the excitement of going away and then with the joy of spending my birthday in the "big easy".
I also became concerned with Gay focused local political issues when the Hillsborough County Commissioners voted to ban all recognition of Gay Pride. I had a cause.........
They discuss politics, religion, families and friends, their dreams and aspirations.
They're from all over the world......... one lives in Slovakia another close to me here in Florida.
They range in age from 19 to "somewhere up there". Who knows, who cares.
Most are Gay, since that would be my initial point of interest but those that are not also have something to say........... and it's important to acknowledge them, they're a part of our lives. Without the mothers, we wouldn't exist!
Most importantly, what matters to me regarding all of my BLOGMASTERS is that I enjoy reading their blogs.... which I do on an almost daily basis.
Yesterday, I was reading the blog of one of my favorite BLOGMASTERS, Thomas&co. He has a picture of a T-shirt on which was printed "THINK testicles", with a link to , a tongue in cheek site that spotlights how the Japanese use ideas/words from other countries to advertise their products without fully realizing the true meaning of the english words.
I checked out the website: and there it was, dondon immortalized on a tee shirt!
But first, there was the grocery bag. Someone somewhere has a dondon grocery bag and it seems the Japanese liked the logo and found it important or visually appealing enough to print it on a tee...........
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Straight Friends and Sports!
Canadian by birth, the love of hockey was instilled in me almost from birth. GO Tampa Bay Lightning. My family has season tickets and I mean tickets...... almost on the ice! We were there to see them win the Stanley Cup! AMAZING.........
And then we have football.
I love the New Orleans Saints. I want to see them kick some ass this season, although with 2 out of 3 losses already in the pre-season, I am not amused, although still optimistic!
I love the Colts because I'm a major Coach Tony Dungy fan. The man deserves a Super Bowl. In order to do that, they're gonna have to shape up fast because they've lost all 4 preseason games.
I love the Bucs because I live in Tampa Bay..... unless they're playing the Saints or the Colts.
The Bucs are also 2 for 3 losses in the pre-season. Somehow I don't have as much faith in them as I do the Colts this season. They have a ways to go before they become Super Bowl material again.
Gay men in sports is another story. No way, Jose....... you say?
They're there allright....... they just don't want us to know it yet.
Here are TWO examples of professional football players who conveniently came out after retiring from football!
David Kopay played for nine years in the NFL as a running back and special teams ace with San Francisco, New Orleans, Washington, Detroit and Green Bay.
Esera Tuaolo, who played on the 1998 Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl team, said players during his career regularly told gay jokes in the locker room. He also played for the Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers and the Jacksonville Jaguars.
On hearing anti-gay locker room jokes: "They made me go further and further into depression, further and further into shame. Sometimes, suicidal," he said.
Tuaolo lives with his partner and two adopted children in the Minneapolis area.
Don't Blame Me!
Why do I dislike this man so much?
"My fellow Americans! Major combat operations in Iraq have ended... The United States and our allies have prevailed."
- President Bush aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (and under the "Mission Accomplished" banner) on May 1, 2003
An immediate withdrawal of our troops in Iraq, or the broader Middle East, as some have called for, would only embolden the terrorists and create a staging ground to launch more attacks againist America and free nations. So long as I'm president, we will stay, we will fight and we will win the war of terror."
- President Bush in Nampa, Idaho, on August 25, 2005
Although President Bush declared victory on the war in Iraq more than two years ago, the battle, obviously is not over. The weapons of mass destruction and connections to 9/11 were never substantiated. The dream of building an Iraqui democracy turned out to be illusionary.
In his Idaho speech, the president was reduced to promising to "honor the sacrifice" of U.S soldiers who have died in Iraq "by completing their mission." Whatever that is.
As I understand this, we're going to honor those who died in Iraq by sending more troops to die in Iraq.
This will continue until President Bush is no longer in office!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
It's time to send a strong message to the Hillsborough County Commissioners! ..... We need to stay away from Hillsborough County and spend our vacation and/or our leisure time in Pinellas County, where all are welcomed! I believe it's time for a BOYCOTT OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY!
Never in my life have I been so pissed of as I've been this summer....... RONDA STORMS, "The Wicked Witch of Hillsborough County" or "She Devil" (I've bestowed these titles upon her ~ this is my opinion in my personal blog) continues to make headlines, and none of them favorable.
I began blogging about this pariah in June when the Hillsborough County Commission voted to bar county agencies from recognizing or participating in Gay Pride Month or any events that portray gay people in a positive light. “The commission’s actions today are an attack on gay people, an insult to the entire community and a national embarrassment for our state,” said Nadine Smith, Equality Florida’s Executive Director.
The policy introduced by longtime anti-gay antagonist Ronda Storms prevents Hillsborough county agencies from giving equal recognition to local events that present gay people in a positive light, including Gay Pride Month. The commission went even further and voted 6-1 to prevent the new policy from being repealed except by a super majority vote of the commission following a public hearing. (see my June 26, 2005 and July 18, 2005 blogs).
After Ronda was finished attacking the Gay community, it was time for Planned Parenthood!
Copyright Times Publishing Co. Jul 29, 2005
The idea came from Hillsborough County Commissioner Ronda Storms: eliminate funding for a teen educational program sponsored by Planned Parenthood. Commissioners went along with her Thursday, while expressing none of their personal feelings about the nonprofit group that supports women's reproductive rights.
Ronda Storms had made her feelings clear in a conversation last week, said Barbara Zdravecky, who oversees Planned Parenthood in 15 counties, including the Tampa Bay area. Storms supports life - Zdravecky remembers hearing her say - and Planned Parenthood supports death. "I have to say I was pretty shaken," Zdravecky said. "I'm used to taking hits. But I was surprised at her lack of humanity.
Planned Parenthood was not asking for much. They wanted commissioners to give them $39,500 during the next two years for Source Teen Theater, a $130,000 program in which Tampa teens educate other kids about such topics as sexual activity, drugs, gangs and family violence in attempting the break the cycle of unwanted/unplanned pregnancies, drug use, illegal gang activity and abuse within the family. Ronda would hear nothing of it!
And then.... more!
It was time to attack public transportation and the people who for one reason or other, mostly because they are disabled, elderly or just too poor, cannot afford a car.
Copyright Times Publishing Co. Aug 20, 2005
With Hillsborough Area Regional Transit moving people in record numbers and gas nearing $3 a gallon, the county ought to be trying to strengthen the bus system instead of trying to kill it.
A path to ruin hatched by Commissioners Ronda Storms and Brian Blair was averted only after two of their Republican colleagues, Mark Sharpe and Jim Norman, brought perspective and restraint to the debate over a service that residents increasingly rely on and is crucial to the local economy.
Storms wanted commissioners to approve a referendum that could have obliterated the biggest chunk of HART's funding base. Blair complained that because the buses log most of their miles in the city of Tampa but county taxes pay most of the bills, county residents should have a vote on cutting their property taxes for HART.
That is a ridiculous argument. Buses run into the urban core because that it is home to the jobs, colleges, hospitals, airports, courthouses and other major facilities. Buses only make sense in densely populated areas - conditions that residents move to the suburbs to avoid.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Our Little Corner of The World
The coral high rise building directly to the bottom left of this picture is where Daisy's photo was taken (below).
Driving to the beach should take less than 5 minutes by car and there are also bycicle lanes and a pedestrian sidewalk. The walk over the bridge and on to the beach should take no more than 20 minutes (much too hot for that now), but a nice bit of exercise in the fall.
Clearwater Beach
Sunset at Clearwater Beach
Maybe the fact that I can't breathe
Played a major part in this decision!
One day at a time.
The above was written on May 21, 2005 the day I quit smoking. Unfortunately, it didn't last forever.....
I went on vacation in New Orleans and the clubs, the partying and drinking were an easy re-introduction to nicotine!
It's been more difficult to quit this time, but today I quit smoking again..... this time I'm going to succeed!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Saturday Nite
I like the Pro Shop Pub....... a neighborhood-type bar in downtown Clearwater.
Friday, August 19, 2005
My weekend doesn't start until Saturday again because as usual, we're short staffed at work and I spend most of my day covering for those who aren't here... the only chance I have to get my work done is on the weekend, when no one's here.
I'm not complaining much since the weather has been in the high 90's all week with a "feels like" temperature ranging from 103-105 degrees!
We've once again been advised not to walk our dogs during daytime hours. Last week, a dog died of heat stroke after walking around a block. Very scary! This means the PUGS are not seeing daylight. I'm walking them at 5:00 AM and 11:00PM, still in the mid-80's but not staggering.
Instead of working this afternoon, I was reading the blogs of my favorite Masterbloggers (brettcajun and Hikaruland) and noticed that the two of them had links to a site which determines after answering a brief questionnaire, what type of dog you're most like. Now I hate this type of questionnaire (can't be bothered) but since I'm a puppy freak, hmmmmm should I be doing this, after all I am at work...... well, I gotta find out dammit. Since I own two PUGS, I'm sure to be a PUG. So I decide to take the damned thing. God don't let me be a poodle! I took the test........ I'm a St. Bernard. NO COMMENT! Vinny and Tim, I want to know which dog most represents your personality!
To find out which dog most represents your personality, click here: Gone2thedogs and click on game.
I am, I am I am.... going out this Saturday nite. I need a nite out, and I need IT!
Personal note to Kanye West (below) .... I want to meet your cousin!
The Beaches
This years [red tide] is more widespread and seemingly more intense than it's been in previous years. A friend went diving recently and was heartbroken to find that [red tide] had wiped out life on the bottom of the Gulf. A very sad situation..
Hopefully this will soon dissipate and life on our beautiful beaches will return to normal.
Kanye West Speaks....
West says "gay" has become an antonym to hip-hop and that it needs to be stopped.West said when he was young, people would call him a "mama's boy," and what happened made him homophobic, "cause it's like I would go back and question myself," West says on the show, "All Eyes on Kanye West", set to be aired Thursday nite at 10:30.
West says he changed his ways, though, when he learned one of his cousin was gay."It was kind of like a turning point when I was like, 'Yo, this is my cousin. I love him and I've been discriminating against gays.'"
Now if only more people felt like this............ D~
OK, so I'm originally from New England (Patriots), now living in Tampa Bay (Bucs) and I'm screaming for the Saints....... this makes me not very well liked by my die hard football psycho friends....... but my heart is in New Orleans.... and the SAINTS are my team! Football season's not even here yet, but the fun (the bickering) has begun!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thank You, NAACP!
- St. Petersburg Branch 727-898-3310
Following is a letter from the NAACP St. Petersburg Branch forwarded to Equality Florida:
We want you to know that we stand with you in your courageous fight against bigotry and predjudice.
The actions taken by the Hillsborough County Commission are an affront to us all who are actively fighting against racism, anti-Semitism, bigotry and injustice.
Instuitutional bigotry reminds us of a time not long ago when institutionalized racism was the order of the day in St. Petersburg and throught the Southern state. It was only through the efforts of decent men and women that we finally changed the hearts and minds of most people throughout the entire country.
The struuggle is still not over, hence we want you to know, and the Hillsborough Commissioners to know that bigotry has no place to hide anymore and that the dark shadows of injustice will be exposed to a new light of day throughout all of Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties.
Darryl Rouson, President
Trenia Cox, 1st Vice President
Harry Harvey, 2nd Vice President
Norman Brown, 3rd Vice President
Herb Snitzer, Chair, Press
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Boycott or Buycott
I am outraged that the Hillsborough County Commission has put its stamp of approval on a policy that discriminates against any segment of our community. This policy is not a sign of neutrality, it is an outright ban that prevents county agencies from participating or recognizing any event that portrays the gay community in a favorable light.
Florida is a favorite tourist destination and a boycott will affect Hillsborough County's reputation and most importantly, their financial resources.
My personal opinion is that although Equality Florida is supporting a BUYCOTT, I don't believe that this is sending a strong enough message to Hillsborough County. We need to hit them where it hurts... the wallet!
If you are planning on visiting the Tampa Bay area, I urge you to refrain from spending your money in Hillsborough County. There are much more beautiful and welcoming areas in Tampa Bay including Pinellas County (home of dondon009). The St. Petersburg/Clearwater areas (with their beautiful beaches) welcome the Gay Community
In a BOYCOTT, people send a message by refusing to spend money in a community or purchase a particular good or service from a specific vendor. The county has already lost millions of dollars in convention and tourism business and those numbers grow everyday.
With a BUYCOTT, people intentionally buy something to make their support of the company or product widely known.
A BUYCOTT is a proactive, method of spotlighting and rewarding companies that take a visible stand against anti-gay bigotry and for respect and inclusion of the diversity of those who live, work and visit Hillsborough County.
Hypocrisy Revisited
This week, it gets worse! Here we go again.....
(August 11, 2005): Tampa's Mary Help of Christian School is being sued by a former student who claims a Salesian brother (the Salesians of Don Bosco) molested him at least 20 times, usually at night in the brother's bedroom, in the school's music room or outside on the school grounds. The suit also claims that at least one time, the boy was molested by another Salesian brother. The boy was in the seventh grade at the time. This is the SIXTH suit filed against the school alleging sexual abuse in the past three years.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Stupid People
With U.S. public approval for President Bush's handling of Iraq reaching new lows (down to 38% according to AP-Ipsos and 34% according to Newsweek), the President continues to enjoy his vacation.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Mixed Emotions
Actually, HELL for me began in March 2005. On March 20th, I wrote about the first day of spring, and how wonderful life was at the time. The next day.... March 21, 2005 I was informed that the kid I had raised alone for many years and until he finally got married and had a family of his own, had been killed in an auto accident. I still haven't begun to heal yet when two weeks ago, one of my uncles died in Canada; and then today, I attended the funeral of a fellow worker, a friend who was told two weeks ago that he had liver cancer. He was 46........ life sucks a big fat one at the moment!
Now, add to the above all of the issues that concern me deeply: including the bigotry in the political arena (those damned closeted fags who support anti-gay legislation) ... I'm outing you bitches; and the hypocricy in the church (preaching against homosexuality in the pulpit and suckin dick on the side) I'm gonna kick your happy hypocritical asses and write about you every chance I get!
THE FUNERAL: (With no offense meant to my many African American friends and co-workers who I love dearly)
I was welcomed and embraced by a congregation of kind and compassionate parishoners dressed in traditional black or white mourning attire (the ladies in massive hats that would have put the royal family to shame). There were several nurses in white uniforms and caps (something I can't quite understand) scattered throughout the church holding boxes of tissue or hand fans.
Never having attended an almost three hour long African American Southern Baptist hand clapping, foot stomping, dancing in the aisles funeral; what I had previusly assumed would be a very sad occassion, turned into a festive celebration which the pastor called a "going home". The music was electrifying gospel and the three soloists increased the momentum to new heights.
I was in another world, having a very difficult time trying to comprehend all this joy when inside, my heart was breaking over the loss of a friend; remembering also my own personal loss less than 5 months ago. Both men had died much too soon, both leaving behind young children much to young to fully understand the impact that this would forever have on their lives. Being a traditionalist, I was not comfortable at all taking part in this seemingly "joyous occasion" although I was somewhat made to understand the concept when the eulogist, in a more than 50 minute discussion and dissection of the 23rd psalm ended by asking if anyone wanted to be saved....... I was about to raise my hand (save me from this torture)!
My friend Edmund who is a minister of music at his Southern Baptist Church grabbed my arm and asked me to please just relax for a while longer with promises of an unlimited supply of Green Apple Martini's if I would PLEASE remain calm for just a little while longer! Another friend, Jacqui who was also becoming a bit uncomfortable began picking at my back and when I asked what the hell she was doing, she said she was removing PUG hair from my black jersey.
I realized it was time to end this celebration when (BAD BOY, BAD BOY, BAD BAD BOY) that I am, I began to have romantic fantasies involving the organist, one of the readers, and one of the soloists! I can hear my friend laughing, shaking his head and saying "can't you even attend my funeral without wanting to get in some guys pants?"
We ended up at the very posh Vinoy Hotel and Resort in St. Petersburg. Lush and pricey! Three people, three drinks each, we're talking almost $90 dollars including tip! Anyway, it was worth it because my friends were able to explain a lot about the service and what they call a "going home" celebration. Did it make me feel any better? Not a bit! I just can't bring myself to celebrate the death of someone I care about!
I arrived back home at about 9:00 PM, fed and walked the dogs, made the above entry and decided to take a short nap before going out again. Unfortunately, the alcohol seemed to have worked wonders because I fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until Sunday morning!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Pride In Exile
One event Joe Stines and his partner of 25 years will probably not be attending next weekend, since after all Mr. Stines is "conservative in many ways," not one to "carry banners or attend Gay Pride events", will be Pride In Exile.
The weekend will include parties, parades and a drag show titled: Dragged From Tampa (a re-enactment of the Tampa Commission meeting at which the ban was approved).
A drag queen will play Hillsborough Commissioner Ronda Storms, who proposed the Gay Pride ban. (The drag queen better bring an ample supply of lipstick. Ronda Storms has some major BIG RED LIPS!)
For more information, go to:
You can read all about Joe Stines in my blog entry: Another Hypocrite Part 2 (scroll down three entries). Thanks!
Rainy Sundays
This is the kind of day............... a significant other might be nice.
The Art of Joe Phillips
Did I just say that? The longer I'm alone, the more I've convinced myself that being alone is exactly what I want ..... or is it?
Saturday, August 06, 2005
It's The Hypocrisy, Stupid!
Pope Benedict ain't gonna like this one; another one of his boys in trouble.......
Lakeland, Florida
Saddle Creek Park
Hmmmmmmmmm ... I'm not sure about this. Maybe he was just doing "research", or a "term paper"?
Excerpts from the St. Petersburg Times and Channel 10 News (August 5, 2005):
The Principal of Santa Fe Catholic High School, Brother Anthony Iazzetti was arrested after soliciting two male detectives to perform a "lewd act on each other".
"Santa Fe Catholic High School, a ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, Florida offers a program of college preparatory studies encompassing values grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Through academics, spiritual, athletic, artistic, extracurricular and service programs, the school endeavors to help each student develop fully as a child of God."
It seems Brother Iazzetti was focusing on the several aspects of the above programs when he was "BUSTED"!
And Another Hypocrite!
Another country heard from!
If you've read some of my previous postings, listen to the news or check out your local newspapers, you've probably read about the Hillsborough County Commission and Ronda Storms, the anti gay antagonist.
This all started because THREE patrons complained about a Gay Pride display at West Gate Regional Library. The Gay pride display was removed and the books relocated to another part of the library.
Newspaper stories about this got the Hillsborough County Commissioners all fired up and Ronda Storms got her panties in a knot . In June 2005, the board voted to ban any county entity from so much as acknowledging Gay Pride.
The director of the Hillsborough County library system is Joe Stines, who (you guessed it) just happens to be GAY and has been with his partner for 25 years. But Joe Stines states that he is "conservative in many ways," not one to "carry banners or attend Gay Pride events." (Joe Stines needs his ass spanked too!)
Below are:
Excerpts by SUE CARLTON
St. Petersburg Times
Published August 3, 2005
"Did Joe Stines have an obligation to respond in a certain way because he is GAY?
Me, here's what I would have liked: to see Joe Stines the librarian face off with the commission instead of being practical.
I get worried when people like Commissioner Ronda Storms, who seems to think voluntary sterilization for child abusers and eliminating funding for a Planned Parenthood teen educational pregram are important county issues, want to start mucking around with my library.
I would have liked to have heard Stines talk to them about a library for everyone. He's been around so long, the board must like him. Maybe they would have listened."
Hot and Humid!
Lies, Lies, Lies... All lies!
First of all, the weather sucks; it's so hot and humid the average person can hardly breathe; much less my two PUG dogs.
Secondly, I hate to think of how long ago my ass was tight enough to wear a T-back. I'm at the point now where I won't stand in front of a full length mirror unless I'm fully clothed!
It's been another 6 day work week, and this might continue for another few weeks, or until we're caught up here. I really don't mind at the moment. It's too damned hot to do anything outside and the money is good. Gotta love that overtime!
Tonite, I hope to meet Tim and Vinny at the Pro Shop Pub tonite. I deserve a cocktail or two, maybe even three! And who know, I might just get LUCKY!