Absolutely nothing! As it should be. I've spent time sleeping late, playing with the pugs, writing and reading blogs, watching some really bad movies and eating.
One week ago, I was wearing gloves, a knit cap and a heavy jacket......... today, at 79 degrees, it's almost short sleeves and shorts weather!
Spring is in the air, flowers are in bloom, traffic going to and from the beach is unbearable.
At this time of year, it's really much too cool for locals to be at the beach, which means a large percentage of all that traffic is made up of tourists or "snow birds", the winter residents who go back north after Easter.
Wonderful news on the home front. The Diva (my sister) telephoned me from the boat yesterday and informed me that the sheriff (my nephew) and the sheriff (his fiancee) will be getting married in July in Las Vegas. This is a preferred location because the bride to be has family in the mid-west and Vegas is a favored vacation spot for my family.The nephew is an only child which means he is also an only nephew, an only grandchild, my god son........ he is much loved and much spoiled. The "niece to be" is a sweetheart. They make a beautiful couple, and the family is pleased; which is not always an easy thing in my family.
Something to look forward to; a wedding and reception, spending time with family, wonderful shows, great food and a little gambling.
But will it all stay in Vegas?
It is freezing here in Houston..or nearly. It never was over 44 today..and honey that's COLD for us!
Have a great week sir!
Glad you did nothing. You deserve to do nothing. And the wedding sounds like it's going to be much fun!
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